UK ITF Training Day & Awards Evening
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On Saturday 23rd November, UK ITF held its annual National Training Day and Awards Evening. Well attended by clubs, Masters and students from across Europe and the UK, we were all eager to get events of the day underway.

Grand Master Nicholls opened the training day with a session dedicated to the Instructors of UK ITF with the support of Master Horan, Master Wood, Master Chand and Master Gassor. This was great opportunity for those involved to step outside the teaching remit and find enjoyment in training together as ‘students’ of Taekwon-Do. With a goal set of covering all 24 Tuls we could not wait to get going. Pulling movements from each pattern and discussing as a group, we were able to gain valuable insight into technique, application and useful teaching tips which I am sure we will all be taking back to our clubs.

After a much need water break, the doors were opened to a flood of members blue belt and above. It was humbling to see so many people together in one room with a shared passion of the art, sparking new friendships and sharing laughs with old friends. After introduction from Grand Master Nicholls, we were all ready to begin. The focus of the morning session was tailored to developing the base kicks. Emphasis was placed on correct chambering for each kick and how we could utilise the body to deliver maximum speed and power.

After a short break, Master Nicholls informed the group that they would be receiving tuition from our Past World Champion’s; Vaughan Buxton, Matthew Brunger, Laurie Cornwell and Jamie McAvoy. With a mix of workshops including hand combinations, effective Sparring drills and leg strength for kicking, this was a valuable opportunity for students to receive teaching from our highly decorated competitors and learn new ideas to add to their training arsenal.

Before closing the training day, Master Nicholls finished by highlighting that the UK ITF is greater than just one person and that we must all work together, learn from each other and find enjoyment in our training together. After bowing out and photos taken it was time to relax and prepare for the awards evening.

With Drinks flowing and live music playing on arrival, the evening was set to once again be a great celebration and reflection of the growth of UK ITF and achievements throughout the year... As always, there was a great deal to celebrate.

After a lovely meal shared with great company, it was time for the awards. Master Nicholls took to the stage to first express his gratitude and thanks to all members who have helped to make the year such a success. This was followed by introductions to the Master’s within the ITF and UK ITF, awards for 10, 20 and 30 years’ service to Taekwon-Do and senior degree promotions. This was also a great platform to celebrate the achievements of our competitors who represented themselves and the UK ITF so professionally at the European Championships in Ireland.

The awards night ended with the announcement of our UK ITF National Awards;

Umpire of the Year- Kirsty Owen
Coach of the Year-Grant Churchward
Most improved student of the year-Kelsey Williams
Competitor of the Year- Vanessa Sallai
Contribution of the Year- Master Glenn Horan
Student of the Year- Kieran McDermott
Region of the Year- Region 1

On behalf of UK ITF and Grand Master Nicholls, we would like to thank everyone that attended the training day and awards evening, making the event a truly spectacular and memorable day for all involved.

Written by: UK ITF Admin - 9th December 2019

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