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Master Nicholls Christmas Seminar, Grading & Banquet
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Saturday 4th December saw the much anticipated return of Master Nicholls to the Blue Dragon TKD School at Woodford Lodge Sports Centre, in Winsford, Cheshire. The days events began with a rather surprising thaw with most of the country still blanketed in snow and ice, it seemed that fate was shining on us as all the white stuff melted overnight thanks to some rather welcome rain, although for Mr Peter Scott of QMU TKD (Imperial Scotland) the day started a bit earlier than most with a 6am trek through deep snow to the train station only to find his train cancelled, and having to wait for a later one to make the trip south.

Right on time Master Nicholls arrived at the venue for the seminar and colour belt grading and just in time Mr Scott came charging through the door after a mad dash from the train station 15 miles away, thanks to Simon Oakes for collecting him, and the introductions began. Master Nicholls introduced himself and explained what the days training would be all about, with the focus being on correct use of attacking and blocking tools and how to generate maximum power from each technique.

What followed was a 2 hour marathon of kicking, punching and blocking, followed by the 2nd kup upwards going through their patterns right up to and including the two 3rd degrees in attendance, namely the intrepid Mr Scott, and Blue Dragon''s own Mr Walkinshaw, performing Choi Yong. I think it is fair to say by the end of the session there was more than a few week knees from their exertions, but as we know there is no rest for the wicked, other than a quick group photo, and it was straight onto the grading exam.

There were a total of 11 students grading ranging from 9th-2nd Kup both adult and juniors. The kids were up first and put in a creditable performance, with Emily Oakes, and Niall Beesley Evans shining brightest. Then came the adults and another impressive display of determination was shown by all, not least by James Kinnear who successfully graded to 1st Kup putting in an incredible amount of effort after the previously exhausting 2 hour class.

Following the grading there was just enough time for a couple more photos before Mr Scott had to be whisked back to Crewe railway station to make the return trip all the back to the frozen north.

With the daytime events all done it was now party time and with everyone meeting up at The Cheshire Tandoori Restaurant at 7.30pm the day could be rounded off in style. A sumptuous indian banquet was laid on and by the time Master Nicholls arrived the party was already in full swing. Following a few drinks and the starters it was decided to do the speeches and present the belts to the succesful students that had graded earlier in the day, as well as the Student of the Year awards, before the main courses arrived. Things seemed to be going fantastically with the belts being presented to everyone and the 2 Student of the Year trophies being given to Emily Oakes 5th Kup(Junior) and Miss Lyndsay Walkinshaw II Degree(Senior), this being the second year in a row that Emily had won the award. At this point Master Nicholls attempted to make a speech and say how great it had been, how everyone was doing really well, only to be interupted by the waiters shouting out the names of the dishes they were trying to serve to us. Eventually after a few attempts he had success. Following this there was also a surprise presentation by Paul Chrimes, of a gift to me(Mr Walkinshaw) from some of the BDTKD students as thanks for the time and effort put into teaching everyone. Thanks guys for the new Rangers top complete with BDTKD printing and 3 for my degree grade. With the meal all done it was decided to continue the evening in a club/bar in Northwich town centre (The Anderton), although Master Nicholls declined and retired to his hotel for a well deserved rest, everyone else other than the under 18s who went home, headed into town to dance the night away. The ladies being more sensible got a taxi, but the gents decided a walk was in order, which in hindsight was maybe slightly foolish as the earlier rain had frozen quickly and turned all the footpaths and roads to a sheet of ice, with a long steep hill to walk down you can only imagine what was happening, but lets just say feet were going higher into the air than they had been with the kicking earlier, and there would be some unexplained bruises the following morning ;-)

All in all a fantastic day was had by all, and hopefully Master Nicholls will agree to come and do the same thing again in 2011.

Lastly thanks to Alice Oakes for taking photos all day, her dad Simon for his chaffeur service collecting Mr Scott from the station, and of course to Master Nicholls & Mr Scott for making the trip to be with us.

Written by: Al Walkinshaw - 4th January 2011
[Comments: 9]

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Article Feedback:

Emily Oakes : 23rd January 2011, 11:01

Fantastic day, enjoyed it loads - learned lots.
loads of fun - cant wait to do it again.
Lyndsay Walkinshaw : 22nd January 2011, 21:50

Best thing that ive been to! Was sooo much fun! Everything at the seminar helped loads :)
Kay Z King : 9th January 2011, 12:18

sounded like a great night Al!
Maybe you could all audition for 'Dancing On Ice' after your little walk into town =)
Krystyna Sargent : 7th January 2011, 00:53

Looks like a great event, great photos and great article. Well done - I'll make sure I'm there next time.
Christopher Devine : 6th January 2011, 17:51

Sounds like a great day and night was had by all. Glad Mr Scott managed to get there on time....for a change!! :)
James Kinnear : 6th January 2011, 09:26

Awesome day and a great article!
Sean Mullin : 5th January 2011, 18:06

tempted to give it a 0 because of the rangers top :) but it looked like a cracking day and sounded like an even better night.
Michael Carr : 5th January 2011, 17:59

only wish i could have been there! great article!
Mark Skyrme ( UK ITF) : 5th January 2011, 10:37

Looks like an all round success, except the Rangers top. Are they a Sunday League Team ? :-)
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