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Gassor's Taekwon-do Tournament Team attend the Imperial British Championshps!
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38 members of Gassor’s Taekwon-do Tournament Team from The Martial Arts and Fitness Centre, Newport, S.Wales entered the Imperial British Championships in Reading on 9th and 10th October, 2010 hosted by Imperial Taekwon-do.

Gassor’s Taekwon-do Tournament Team were hugely supported by family and friends who travelled to Reading along with their Team coaches Mrs. Leanne Gassor-Jones, Mr. Adam Heybyrne, Mr. Aaron Gassor, Mr. Chris Thomas and Chief Instructor Master Gary Gassor.  This was our first British Championship Tournament with Imperial Taekwon-do, and the students were very excited as the Tournament attracted International attention from Spain, Italy, Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, Nepal and South Africa with 769 competing in the two day event.  The team had been preparing for this tournament all year with extra training sessions, lots of hard work and commitment and were hoping to win some medals in this prestigious event.

On arriving at the Tournament the students were very impressed with the six rings that were running and the amount of competitors and spectators that were in attendance.  There was a great atmosphere at the Tournament and everyone was made to feel welcome with students mixing with fellow Imperial students and partner groups.

After the two day event Gassor’s Taekwon-do Team came away with 35 medals overall, with 14 becoming new British Champions!  Mrs.Gassor-Jones said ‘Each team member fought amazing and we are all very proud of their achievements.  All team members demonstrated fantastic techniques and combinations, excellent attitudes and showed great sportsmanship and teamwork.  It was great to see how much they are improving and we are so pleased to see that these brilliant results reflect their continuous hard work’. 

Gassor’s Tournament team medal winners were:

14 Gold British Champions
Arron Rose - Sparring
Ayrton Mullins - Sparring
Camron Griffiths - Sparring
Ethan Frayling (Snr) - Sparring
Ethan Seivwright - Sparring
Ffion Meijer - Sparring
Jake Brand - Sparring
Karl Nielsen - Sparring
Mathew Benford - Sparring
Ryan Gane - Sparring
Shannon Frayling - Sparring
Talisha Samuels - Sparring
Talisha Samulels - Special Technique
Taylor Baldwin - Sparring

10 Silver Medal Winners

Gavin Waite - Sparring
Jack Heybyrne - Sparring
Jack Powell - Sparring
James Shaw - Sparring
Jason Osborn - Sparring
Jessica Heybyrne - Sparring
Jody James - Sparring
Louis Gowing - Sparring
Mark Sharwood - Sparring
Tomos Sharwood - Sparring
11 Bronze Medal Winners

Chanelle Frayling - Sparring
Chris Thomas - Sparring
Connor Sweeting - Sparring
Dana McAvoy - Sparring
Ethan Frayling (Jnr) - Sparring
Leah Voyce - Sparring
Michael Williams - Sparring
Nathan Watts - Sparring
Rhys Thomas - Sparring
Tony Fernandes - Sparring
Tony Fernandes - Patterns

A Well done also goes to Alex Gould, Lewis Hatchard, Liam Rossiter, Luke Fernandes and Sam Taylor for their great efforts and for taking part in the Tournament.

On the Sunday the Tournament turned out to be a very special day for Gassor’s Taekwon-do as they watched their Chief Instructor Master Gary Gassor being presented with his 7th Degree ITF Black Belt certificate in front of over 600 people.  Master Gassor said ‘I would personally like to thank Master Trevor Nicholls, General Secretary of the ITF for all his help, support and friendship.  I would also like to thank Master Ian Lawes, Master Don Deedigan and all the Senior members of the ITF for all their support.  Myself and Gassor’s Taekwon-do are very proud to be under the leadership of Master Nicholls and the ITF’. 

The Tournament was well attended, well organised and ran very smoothly throughout the weekend.  We have received excellent feedback from our students as they thoroughly enjoyed the Tournament and have all said they can’t wait to attend the British Championships next year.  The Team are already preparing for the European championships in Ireland along with other ITF Tournaments next year.



Written by: Emma Gassor - 21st October 2010
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Article Feedback:

Christopher Devine : 22nd October 2010, 12:40

Excellent performance. Congratulations to Master Gassor and the whole team.
Mark Skyrme ( UK ITF) : 21st October 2010, 17:06

Great report with some nice pictures
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