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CLUBMARK Accreditation
19th April 2012

Congratulations to the first UK ITF Clubs to achieve CLUBMARK Accreditation

We are pleased to confirm that Hayes, Hillingdon and Yiewsley TKD Clubs have successfully achieved the rigorous standards required to achieve CLUBMARK.  The assessment process required the Clubs to provide evidence to demonstrate their awareness of and quality delivery of the playing programme, duty of care and safeguarding and protecting children and young people, knowing your club and community and club management.  The Clubs would like to extend their thanks to London Borough of Hillingdon Sports Development Team and Pro-Active West London for the information, advice and guidance they provided.

CLUBMARK accreditation provides reassurance to parents, carers and partnership organisations that clubs meet the highest standards in these areas.  This accreditation opens funding opportunities and beneficial rates in participating leisure centres.

UK ITF Administration will actively support our clubs with junior sections which wish to pursue this award.  Please contact UK ITF Head Office to enquire.

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Added: 19th April 2012
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UK ITF Instructors are accredited by the British Taekwondo Council, national governing body for Taekwondo in the UK, which includes DBS/PVG Scheme Enhanced certification, insurance and continued professional development


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